Traveling Light At Oakland Floats 3/30 – 4/1

Traveling Light at Oakland Floats 3/30 - 4/1

Our friends at Traveling Light will be at Oakland Floats from Thursday, March 30th to Sunday, April 2nd with their Lucia No. 3 Light Machine. The spectacular Lucia No.3 experience is incomparable to anything else. We highly recommend it. Whenever we host Traveling Light,…

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Vote Us Best Of Oakland And The East Bay!

Vote us Best of Oakland and the East Bay!

We sincerely hope you enjoy and value your experiences at Oakland Floats and would be honored if you voted us "Best of Oakland and the East Bay." To vote, Click Here scroll near the bottom of the page and type in…

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Buoy Award: Hack The Hood

Buoy Award: Hack the Hood

This year Oakland Floats is focusing our efforts to put the community first. To that end, we've started the Buoy Award program to celebrate people and organizations that lift us up. The Buoy Award is Oakland Floats' way of appreciating…

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January Membership Deal (Get A Free Float)

January Membership Deal (Get a Free Float)

EXTENDED THROUGH THE END OF JANUARY! For those of you making a commitment to self-care in the new year, we're making it easier for you. For new members or lapsed members or old members switching to our new membership plan,…

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Can Flotation Therapy Cure You?

Can Flotation Therapy Cure You?

ABC News' Project Wellness investigates floating ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos

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Fundraiser This Thursday, Dec 8th For Victims Of The Ghost Ship Fire

Fundraiser this Thursday, Dec 8th for Victims of the Ghost Ship Fire

Some of those lost in the Ghostship fire on December 2nd were close friends of the Oakland Floats community. We and so many others are grieving the loss of these wonderful, brilliant, talented and creative people. This Thursday, December 8th, to…

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Thanksgiving Specials Now Though Sunday The 27th

Thanksgiving Specials Now Though Sunday the 27th

This Thanksgiving week, whether your surrounded by friends and family or enjoying a quiet low key celebration, Oakland Floats has you covered. Everybody coming together can be a wonderful time, but travel, shopping, cooking, and entertaining can be stressful and close…

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Traveling Light Will Be At Oakland Floats Nov 11th-13th

Traveling Light will be at Oakland Floats Nov 11th-13th

Our friends at Traveling Light will be at Oakland Floats the weekend ofNovember 11th, 12th, and 13th with their Lucia No. 3 Light Machine. The spectacular Lucia No.3 experience is incomparable to anything else. We highly recommend it. Whenever we host Traveling…

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The Spotlight Is On Oakland Floats At

The spotlight is on Oakland Floats at

Kaila Prins from took a tour of four of the top float centers in the area after trying us out first. It was nice to discover we're the only float center offering tall chambers, a must-have for anyone not…

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Closed For Remodel Sept 6-13

Closed for Remodel Sept 6-13

We will be closed Sept 6-13 to upgrade our two float chambers and install thicker walls for quieter floats. Sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you soon after the remodel.

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New Online Booking System!

New Online Booking System!

With the end of August and beginning of September comes big developments at Oakland Floats. To better serve you, we’re making some major redesigns and upgrades, the first of which is a new customer database and online booking experience. Today, Monday,…

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Vote Oakland Floats Best Of The Bay!

Vote Oakland Floats Best of the Bay!

We grateful for everyone that has helped Oakland Floats serve the Oakland and Bay Area community for the last 4 years. As we continue to grow and evolve, you're continued support means a lot! Please vote for us in the…

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