Can Flotation Therapy Cure You?

Can Flotation Therapy Cure You?

ABC News' Project Wellness investigates floating ABC Breaking News | Latest News Videos

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The Spotlight Is On Oakland Floats At

The spotlight is on Oakland Floats at

Kaila Prins from took a tour of four of the top float centers in the area after trying us out first. It was nice to discover we're the only float center offering tall chambers, a must-have for anyone not…

read more Came To Oakland Floats To Find The Upside-Down came to Oakland Floats to find the Upside-Down

Horror blogger Josh Millican, inspired by "Stranger Things," floated with us and interviewed John Balquist for, a website with the mission of "celebrating everything scary."

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Oakland Tribune Takes The 3-Float Challenge!

Oakland Tribune Takes the 3-Float Challenge!

Bay Area News Group correspondent Elicia Schmidt-Hopper writes about Oakland Floats and takes our 3-float challenge (here's the link). We think one float is great on its own, but three times can really give your mind and body a better idea…

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Oakland Magazine Tests The Waters At Oakland Floats

Oakland Magazine tests the waters at Oakland Floats

Christina Boufis from Oakland Magazine floated over the summer and writes about us in the latest issue. Read her review HERE and see how she floated away her aches and pains from a weekend of house painting. Great photo from…

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Diablo Magazine Names Us Best Of The East Bay 2012

Diablo Magazine names us Best of the East Bay 2012

Diablo Magazine's editor, Peter Crooks, gets some respite from traffic and work deadlines. Afterwards, he realizes we are the Best Place in the East Bay for Deep Thoughts! Thanks for the award, Peter! Here's the link.

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East Bay Express Reviews Oakland Floats

East Bay Express Reviews Oakland Floats

Check out Lexi Pandell's article on Oakland Floats just published in the May 30th East Bay Express. Ms. Pandell is a journalist with Oakland North, and the article is carried online by them. Thanks for the love, East Bay. Here's…

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Oakland Rocks

Oakland Rocks

Earlier this month, Abby from Oakland Rocks came by for a float and a few questions and put together a great article. Take a look here.

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