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Recharge after your workout, or long day at work with our Normatec Recovery Boots, now available Monday- Friday at Oakland Floats.

Pair your session with a Float, for optimal recovery support.

Great if you work out, spend long hours on your feet, or just want to experience an amazing leg massage (we all need it)!

How they work

  • The NormaTec PULSE Recovery Systems are dynamic compression devices designed for recovery and rehab.
  • Our systems include a control unit and attachments which go on the legs. They use compressed air to massage your limbs, mobilize fluid, and speed recovery with our patented NormaTec Pulse Massage Pattern.
  • You will first experience a pre-inflate cycle, during which the connected attachments are molded to your exact body shape.
  • The session will then begin by compressing your feet.
  • Similar to the kneading and stroking done during a massage, each segment of the attachment will first compress in a pulsing manner and then release.
  • This will repeat for each segment of the attachment as the compression pattern works its way up your limb.

Benefits of the Normatec Recovery Boots

  1. Lactic acid and lymphatic flushing, thus removing toxins
  2. Reduces inflammation and water accumulation
  3. Improved (better) and enhanced (healthier) circulation
  4. Accelerated recovery, so you feel rejuvenated and ready for the next workout.
  5. Helps prevent and eliminate first-stage varicose veins
  6. Enhanced flexibility
  7. Reduction in swelling, pain, and an increased range of motion

Who should try it

  • First, any athlete who uses his/her legs: runners, swimmers, cyclists, triathletes, weightlifters/CrossFitters, Mudders, walkers, football/basketball/baseball/soccer/volleyball/hockey/LAX players… etc.
  • Second, anyone who works on his/her feet all day, because gravity causes poor circulation in your legs when you are standing all day Nurses, doctors, construction, and numerous professions benefit.
  • Third, anyone who battles poor circulation would benefit: diabetes, varicose, peripheral artery disease, and just about any circulation disease with the exception of deep vein thrombosis (contraindicated).
  • Finally, anyone who enjoys a relaxing massage! Just envision sitting back in a leather recliner with a post-workout beverage for 20-30 minutes, having your legs massaged, flushed of lactic acid and reinvigorated for your day!

To learn more about why Normatec is the rave in leg recovery, visit their website here or visit their Instagram.