Welcome to the incredible world of floating. Floating is a great way to care for yourself and one of the most natural and carefree things you can do. Our float hosts will ensure you feel welcomed and comfortable, giving you an orientation before your first float and answering questions you may have. Scroll for an overview on what to expect from your float experience.

What to Expect

Arrival and Check in

Check your confirmation email for our super secret code to get in. Ascend our winding staircase and check in with our Float Host at the front desk. Fill out our intake form if you haven’t done so online.


Be guided to your private float room by one of our expert float hosts who will give you a detailed orientation and answer any questions you have about your float.


Take a shower with shampoo and body wash (avoid the conditioner), put in our swimmer styled ear plugs, take out contacts and apply vaseline to any cuts or scrapes.

Step in

Step into your tank or chamber, come to a seated position and then carefully lay down. Find a comfortable position and try to relax. Use a neck cushion if it helps.


Let go and let the water fully support you. Be patient with this relaxation process. Sometimes it takes a few minutes to let go, sometimes, the full 75 minutes.

Finishing the float

When you hear soft music, start to gently move your body and open your eyes slowly, before getting up. Step out of the tank, slip into your flip flops and robe and take a shower to rinse the saltwater off.

Float decompression

Exit your room and come decompress in our lounge area, drink some hot tea, snack on some fruit, read some books, share your experience, and bask in your post-float glow!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is floating, and why should I do it?

Floating is experiencing a surge in popularity and public awareness, due to high profile endorsements, pop culture acknowledgment, and astonishing claims as to its many benefits; however, floating is not a new idea.

Developed in 1954 by Doctor John C. Lilly, floating as we know it today is the product of over 60 years of enthusiasm and scientific research.

Our brains and bodies are constantly bombarded by our environment. Gravity, temperature, touch, light, smells and sounds constantly pull on our muscles, nervous system and senses. We get overwhelmed, and the stress can physically manifest into pain.

Floatation tank therapy is the act of floating on your back in 10 inches of a warm saltwater solution, in a lightproof and almost soundproof tank. The float tank removes external physical stimuli, creating a state of “sensory” relaxation. Free from external stimulation and gravity, your body can achieve a state of relaxation that is deeper, purer and more beneficial than sleep. With no body to look after, your mind can attend to other business.

Many people float to relieve pain, to catch up on rest, to meditate, or to find creative inspiration. Read more on our “Why We Float” page.

Can anyone float?

Yes, anyone can float. However, if you have a medical condition, we recommend that you talk with your doctor prior to floating. If you are under 18, a parent or guardian must give permission and be present as well. Also, floating has proven to be great for pregnant women and is totally safe. Some women report that it’s a great bonding experience with the child and it’s perfect if you’re jealous of the womb experience your baby is feeling

What should my expectations be about floating?

Expectations are roadblocks to just allowing yourself to let go and know that whatever your experience, your body is receiving the benefits of deep relaxation.

How does floating help to produce theta waves?

Studies at Texas A&M and the University of Colorado have shown that floating increases production of theta waves simply by providing the environment to attain the meditative state. This is the same state that experienced meditators take years to attain. People who float enter the theta state while remaining awake and consciously aware of all the vivid imagery and creative thought that passes through their minds.

Do I need to know how to swim in order to float?

No you don’t. There is only 10 inches of water in the tank, so you can sit up at any time. 800 lbs. of dissolved Epsom salt makes the water incredibly dense. You float on top of the water, similar to a cork no matter what size or shape you are. People often sleep in float tanks and there is no risk of rolling over even if you are asleep

What are the benefits of Epsom Salt in the floatation water?

Like the mineral-rich Dead Sea, the Epsom Salts used in floatation tanks draw toxins to the surface of your skin, giving your body a powerful detoxification. They help to strengthen your immune system, trigger the release of endorphins, and reduce the level of harmful biochemicals in your body. They also provide great relief from mental and physical stress, fatigue, chronic pain, headaches, and arthritis.

Will the salt turn me into a prune?

No, the salt is actually very good for your skin and leaves you feeling soft and silky after your shower. If you have abrasions, scratches or other cuts, the salt can sting. We suggest you do not shave at least 4 hours before your session. A gel is provided for you to protect any potential areas of sensitivity.

Can I float while I’m pregnant?

Absolutely. Floating has proven to be a safe and wonderful way for expecting mothers to take weight of their joints, sore muscles and completely relax. Some women report that it’s a great bonding experience with the child. If you any concerns, please consult your physician prior to your float.

Can I float when I am menstruating?

Yes. We have tampons for you to use. Just follow the same protocol you would for a swimming pool.

Will I get seasick?

If you are prone to motion sickness, you may or may not experience disorientation or nausea while floating. If this is a concern of yours, we provide ginger tea, which can help prevent or alleviate symptoms.

Can I be too heavy to float?

No. There are 800 pounds of Epsom salt diffused into the water that makes the water the same buoyancy of the dead sea. You can be up to 800 pounds and float seamlessly. The benefits of relieving the body of this weight, even for a short time, can be extremely beneficial and pleasing to experience.

What if I dye my hair or use keratin treatments?

Please do not float if you have dyed your hair in the last two weeks, or if there is any dye residue still washing out. If you use keratin treatments you are not permitted to float. We will have to charge a solution replacement fee in the event of dye runoff in our tanks, and, besides, we don’t want to damage your expensive hair treatment.

How are the tanks kept clean?

Floating is extremely sanitary. Even though it is very hard for anything harmful to live in the tank solution due to the very high levels of epsom salt, we ozonate and thoroughly filter the tank solution between every appointment. Ozonators act as powerful sanitizers that destroy most of the bacteria and viruses present in spa water. Clients are asked to shower before and after each float session to ensure the cleanliness of the tank. We have never heard of people becoming sick from others by using the tanks.

What if I get claustrophobic or want to get out early?

You are free to enter and exit the tank whenever you’d like. You are never trapped or locked in, and you are under no obligation to stay in the tank for the entire session. Unlike float pods, our tanks and chambers have latch free manual sliding doors so you can always sit up, open the door, get some air and even leave the door open while you continue your float. If you would like to schedule a time to see the tank before committing to a float, just give us a call.

What are the differences between tanks and chambers?

We believe that our Samadhi tanks and custom made chambers provide the optimum sensory deprivation experience. We have two Samadhi tanks and two chambers that were hand-crafted uniquely for our floatation center. Book a float in your favorite tank or chamber, named after one of our inspired heroes Lily, Buck, Amma and Ella. Read more on our Tanks and Chambers page.

What do I do before floating?

If it’s your first time, we will give you a short introduction to the tanks and floatation in general (most of the info you will find in this website). When you’re ready, you will take a shower, as it is important to remove all hair products, soaps and lotions. Then you’re ready to float. No stretching required.

Should I avoid anything before I float?

We advise you not to eat a heavy meal for at least a few hours prior to floating. In fact, there are great restaurants nearby, so planning to eat afterwards might be a great date night! Keep the caffeine to a minimum beforehand, and if you have recently dyed your hair, we ask that you hold off on scheduling an appointment. We recommend that you not shave the day of your float as the salt will sting those areas. If you have any unhealed cuts or burns, we provide liquid bandage or vaseline for protection. If you have larger problem areas as with skin conditions like eczema or rashes, we advise you to reschedule for after the issue has cleared up.

What should I bring with me?

Just yourself. We provide everything you should need to be prepared and comfortable for your float experience. This includes: towels, robes, sandals, earplugs, scent free and natural shampoo, body wash and conditioner, body lotion, cotton swabs, tissues, contact solution and container. No need to bring a swimsuit unless you want to. You can keep all of your belongings with you in our secure and private rooms. After your float please enjoy complimentary cucumber water, hot tea and fruit in the lobby. We have hair dryers but if you require a comb or a brush please bring them with you.

What do I wear during a float session?

You can wear a bathing suit if you prefer, but most people do not wear anything while floating. The float tanks are in locked and secure private rooms to ensure safety and privacy. Also, you don’t need to wear a swim cap. If you are not prepared to get your hair wet, consider waiting before scheduling an appointment.

Will I get cold during floating, like when I stay too long in a bath?

The tank is heated to around 94 degrees, the temperature of the surface of your skin. At this temperature, you begin to lose awareness of where your skin and the water meet. If it were any warmer if would not provide a sensory deprivation experience. Please be aware that the tanks are not hot tubs, nor even like a hot bath. Should you begin to feel cool during the float, we have adjustable radiant heat in each room.

How do I know when my float is over?

At the end of your float you will hear soft, calm music, signaling the end of the float. You should get out within a few minutes and take a shower to rinse off the salt. If you have fallen asleep and don’t hear the music, we’ll gently knock on the room door. Also, you are free to get out at any point during your float. At no time are you trapped in the tank. Our tanks have manual sliding doors so you can always sit up, open the door, get some air and even leave the door open while you continue your float. You are under no obligation to stay in the tank for the entire float session. If you would like to schedule a time to see the tank before committing to a float, just give us a call.

How will I feel after floating?

People’s experiences vary. Some people get the same relaxed feeling you might get from a good massage. Others feel the opposite and have heightened senses and awareness. You most likely won’t be in a rush to go anywhere, which is fine with us. You can hang out in our reception area and enjoy some tea, make some doodles in a sketchbook, or just continue to do nothing.

How many times do I need to float to feel results?

The benefits of floating will happen even with only one float. But like any therapy, consistent usage achieves greater results. Expect to go 2-3 times before you can really notice the feeling and difference that floating can make. We suggest floating 2-4 times a month if possible, more if you are trying to kick a bad habit, find deeper relaxation and looking to relieve muscle tension. Our float hosts are always available to coach you on the best float program for you.

Can more than one person float in a tank at a time?

Only one person per tank. We have four float tanks and chambers, so you can throw your own float party and invite up to 3 other people to float simultaneously in our float center. Double-wide tanks do exist, but we think that they take away from the whole ‘sensory deprivation’ experience.