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Floating on a regular basis is a healthy addiction and the benefits create a cumulative effect on your body. Our members report longer-lasting shifts in their health, happiness and ability to deal with the daily stress of life. If you think you would like to float on a regular basis and are interested in our membership program, sign up online or give one of our float hosts a call at (510) 423-8772.


Standard Pricing

Tier 1

($85 value)

Best Value

Tier 2

($170 value)

Tier 3

($340 value)


$65add. floats $60add. floats $55add. floats

Lucia Light Experience

$60 (30 min.)
$90 (60 min.)
$45 (30 min.)
$90 (60 min.)
$45 (30 min.)
$65 (60 min.)
$40 (30 min.)
$55 (60 min.)

Normatec Boots

$60 (30 min.)
$50(30 min.) $25(30 min.) $25(30 min.)


10% Discount 15% Discount 25% Discount

Click on the table to enlarge

Have a business and want to reward your employees? We can customize a corporate membership where your employees can come float and have you to thank for it. For more information, contact John Balquist at [email protected].

Top Benefits of Floating on a Regular Basis

  1. Reduced sense of worry and stress
  2. Stronger sense of control in personal and professional life
  3. Improved memory retention
  4. Boosts in cognitive performance
  5. Reduced feelings of burn-out
  6. Athletes report better performance and faster recovery times
  7. Wake up feeling more rested than you have in years
  8. Significantly boost creativity by quieting thoughts and opening up your mind to inspiration