BioSound™ Biolounge at Oakland Floats
October 24th&25th Only
At the Portland Float Conference back in August, we got to experience the BioLounge first hand. It’s an ergonomically-contoured, memory foam bed that resonates at subsonic frequencies. When used in tandem with their binaural beat audio compositions, piped through noise-cancelling headphones, it provides an extremely relaxing, therapeutic sound massage that takes you to a meditative theta state, similar to floating. Try it out before or after a float for an out of body experience or on its own for a quick rejuvenation.
If you’d like to try the BioLounge, call in 510-423-8772 and we’ll put you on the priority list. Official booking for Saturday the 24th or Sunday the 25th starts later this month. Those on the priority list will be contacted first.
Some information about BioSound from their website:
What is BioLounge?
A Biolounge is a vibrational platform constructed with memory foam and integrated with an audio/visual delivery system. The Biolounge utilizes precisely choreographed music that is synchronized with low frequency sine tones and binaural beats.
What is BioSound Therapy?
The integration of:
- Biofeedback
- Music therapy
- Sound frequency massage
- Guided imagery
How Does it Work?
- Binaural beats induce a theta level meditative state
- Low frequency vibrations trigger a natural relaxation response
- Coherent heart rhythm patterns synchronize the body’s nervous system
- Positive affirmations develop mindfulness and awareness
BioSound Therapy, aside from providing physically and mentally therapeutic relaxation, has been shown to aid with workplace burnout, addiction treatment and stress management. The heart rate monitor and visualization screen lets you watch your stress levels in real time. Curious about the quantitative effects of floating? Schedule a BioLounge session before and after a float and compare your results.
We’re excited to host the BioLounge at Oakland Floats and strongly recommend you come by and give it a whirl. Well, not a whirl really. It’s a stationary experience with no spinning involved, but if you’ve ever wanted to know what it would feel like if your body was a subwoofer or if you just love floating and would like to augment your experience or try something similar, we strongly recommend you sign up for October 24th or 25th!