WS #6 - Ayurvedic Practitioner

Tell Us About Yourself:

My name is Eden Tosch. My abiding interests in holistic healthcare, human potential, both collective and individual, and all encompassing systems of thought initially drew me into the study and practice of Ayurveda. The efficacy, rigor, creative relationship between states of challenge and ease have inspired me to continue on this path. The elegance of balance between individuality and collective good and classical thought with unorthodox practices, challenge me daily as I seek to inspire others with this endlessly interesting modality.

I believe that Ayurveda offers an emancipatory health care choice with the potential to bridge individual self-awareness, social justice, and spiritual aspirations.

Why Did You Decide To Try Floating?:

Multiple paths led me here. My chiropractor, Dr Brett Jones from Alive Chiropractic, suggested it and a client of mine with sciatica got great results, but I have been wanting to try it for quite a while. My initial interest was sparked by reading about ‘sensory deprivation tanks’ that were popular in the 70’s as self-development/personal growth tools.

Describe Your First Experience Floating:

I just immediately felt calm. Which is saying a lot as I have a rather overactive mind! I was surprised at myself when I realized long after my usual bedtime, that I was still alert and energized.

Has Your Float Experience Changed Since Your First Float?

Each float has been different. Sometimes it is harder to ‘go under’ and really let go. But regardless, after I float I feel more centered and expansive.

Do You Feel Lasting Effects After Each Float?

Mainly I feel I want to have floating be a regular part of my monthly maintenance! I know I won’t go to meditation (or sit at home) but with floating I can get the benefits of the calm, secure, centered mental state that we all need more of.

Do Float Sessions Impact Your Work, Habits or Hobbies?

As a business owner I am often in a state of hyper alertness, what us Ayurveda people “vata derangement,” much of the time without a lot of actual downtime (even my days off are filled with emails and phone calls). Floating makes me feel like I have taken my brain “offline” so that I am refreshed and ready to dive back in when I am done.

How Would You Explain the Experience to Someone Who Hasn’t?

It is a bit like being swaddled securely so that your nervous system can let go effortlessly!

Anything in particular about Oakland Floats that you like?

Comfortable and attractive but also homey!

Eden Tosch is the owner of Eden Ayurveda located at 3409 Grand Avenue on Oakland. For more information on her services, visit her website and check out her stellar yelp reviews. Eden will be giving a free health talk on Ayurveda and Stress Management at Oakland Floats on Monday, April 14th at 7:30pm.