Pain and Stress

Clinical research has shown that profound relaxation in a float tank triggers the production of endorphins. Endorphins interact with the opiate receptors in your brain to reduce the perception of pain and also ignite wellbeing. They act like morphine, only without the addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

Secretion of endorphins leads to feelings of happiness, modulation of appetite, release of sex hormones, and enhancement of your immune system. With high endorphin levels, we feel less pain and fewer negative effects of stress. By taking away gravity from your joints, and soaking up the Epsom salts, floating eases inflammatory pain caused by arthritis.

While floating you will notice your breath deepen, and in turn your heart rate slows down. You won’t even know it’s happening at first, it’s an automatic response. Floating on a consistent basis also aids in regulation of blood pressure.

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