Online Store & Scheduling


If you purchased a LivingSocial voucher, click below for the online scheduler. You will be asked to register and create a profile. After that, go to the “online store” and choose either “1 Float” or “First-Time 3 pack” (depending on what you purchased). Once you do, a page will pop up where you can type in our LivingSocial promo code. THE PROMO CODE IS AT THE BOTTOM OF YOUR LIVINGSOCIAL VOUCHER (not the top). Now your account will be credited with the floats you purchased and you will be able to view and schedule appointments. You will need to bring your LivingSocial coupon with you when you come to float so we can verify your purchase.


For a 75 minute float, we set aside two hours for each client. This includes showering before and after the float, as well as any introductory time for first-time floaters. Afterwards, you can relax in our reception area with a cup of tea.

We have divided the day into 2-hour appointments starting from 10am-12pm, 12pm-2pm, 2pm-4pm, and so on. When you click the “Make an Appointment” button, it will link you directly to the online store where you can purchase the various float packages. Once you have made a purchase, then go to “Appointments” where you can search for a time and date. If you want to pay in person, you must call to schedule your appointment. If you pay in person, you can pay with credit card, check or cash (we do require a credit card number to reserve the time - there is a 24-hour cancellation fee).

Pick a day or date you want (Weds-Sun), and choose “Anytime” for the time. This will show you the available 2-hour slots. If a slot is missing for that day, someone has already booked that time. Always feel free to call a real live person at (510) 423-8772 if you have a question or concern, if you want to book over the phone, or if the online scheduler is having technical issues. And please email us with any constructive feedback on your scheduling experience. We want to make this process really easy for you.

Make an Appointment

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