What is Floating?

Floatation tank therapy is the act of floating on your back in 10 inches of a warm saltwater solution, in a lightproof and almost soundproof tank . Free from external stimulation and gravity, your body and mind quickly reach a state of relaxation and meditation. Many people float to relieve pain, to catch up on rest, to meditate, or to find creative inspiration.

Can anyone float?

Yes, anyone can float. However, if you have a medical condition, we recommend that you talk with your doctor prior to floating. If you are under 18, a parent or guardian must give permission and be present as well.

How sanitary is floatation therapy?

Floating is extremely sanitary. Each tank runs a filtration system after each float, along with using an ozonator. Ozonators act as a powerful sanitizer that destroys most of the bacteria and viruses present in spa water. The Epsom salt (800 lbs dissolved!) has its own natural bacterial killing qualities. At the end of each night we pour a highly diluted Hydrogen Peroxide solution into each tank. Lastly, clients are asked to shower before and after each float session to ensure the cleanliness of the tank. We have never heard of people becoming sick from others by using the tanks.

How does floating help to produce theta waves?

Studies at Texas A&M and the University of Colorado have shown that floating increases production of theta waves simply by providing the environment to attain the meditative state. This is the same state that experienced meditators take years to attain. People who float enter the theta state while remaining awake and consciously aware of all the vivid imagery and creative thought that passes through their minds.

Do I need to know how to swim in order to float?

There is only 10 inches of water in the tank, you can sit up at any time. 800 lbs. of dissolved Epsom salt makes the water incredibly dense. You float on top of the water, similar to a cork no matter what size or shape you are. People often sleep in float tanks and there is no risk of rolling over even if you are asleep.

What are the benefits of Epsom Salt in the floatation water?

Like the mineral-rich Dead Sea, the Epsom Salts used in floatation tanks draw toxins to the surface of your skin, giving your body a powerful detoxification. They help to strengthen your immune system, trigger the release of endorphins, and reduce the level of harmful biochemicals in your body. They also provide great relief from mental and physical stress, fatigue, chronic pain, headaches, and arthritis.

Will the salt turn me into a prune?

No, the salt is actually very good for your skin and leaves you feeling soft and silky after your shower. If you have abrasions, scratches or other cuts, the salt can sting. We suggest you do not shave at least 4 hours before your session. A gel is provided for you to protect any potential areas of sensitivity.

What should my expectations be about floating?

Expectations are roadblocks to just allowing yourself to let go and know that whatever your experience, your body is receiving the benefits of deep relaxation.

How many times do I need to float to feel results?

543 times! No, just kidding. The benefits of floating will happen even with only one float. But like any therapy, consistent usage achieves greater results. Expect to go 2-3 times before you can really notice the feeling and difference that floating can make. Of course, if you want to float 543 times, we won’t stop you.

How will I feel after floating?

People’s experiences vary. Some people get the same relaxed feeling you might get from a good massage. Others feel the opposite and have heightened senses and awareness. You most likely won’t be in a rush to go anywhere, which is fine with us. You can hang out in our reception area and enjoy some tea, make some doodles in a sketchbook, or just continue to do nothing.

Will I get cold during floating, like when I stay too long in a bath?

The tank is heated to 93.5-95.5 degrees, the perfect temperature to heighten your floating experience. At this temperature, you begin to lose awareness of where your skin and the water meet. Please be aware that the tanks are not hot tubs, nor even like a hot bath. Should you begin to feel cool during the float, we have an extra control measure that allows you to turn on radiant heat from the top of the tank.

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